During the past few decades, gravity cantilever retaining walls (GRW) have shown a relatively reliable performance. However, mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) retention systems have grown in popularity as they are cost-effective and have demonstrated resilience through recent seismic events. In…
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Results of numerical modelling of gravity retaining walls using the OpenSees finite element facilities are presented. Simplified design analyses for gravity walls are often based on pseudo-static modelling. The purpose of the paper is to check on the validity of…
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Recent work using the OpenSees finite element software to model the response of gravity retaining walls to Ricker wavelets is presented. The behaviour of the wall system during earthquake loading is controlled by the capacity of the shallow foundation supporting…
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This research investigates the response of the gravity retaining walls subjected to monotonic and sinusoidal loadings, adopting the OpenSees finite element analysis. Recent research has shown the capacity of the shallow foundation supporting the wall controls the behaviour of the…
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In order to secure adequate ductile behavior and high seismic damage capacity of steel moment frames during an earthquake, AISC 341 represents a strength criterion. According to this criterion, the moment capacity of columns must be more than the moment…
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Ultimate state of structural members has been widely used for the purpose of seismic design and rehabilitation in seismic standards. Even, common damage indices such as Park and Ang use ultimate state of structural response, known as ultimate deformation. This…
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In recent building standards, seismic damage of structures represents by local or global dis-placements and rotations. However, the effect of dissipated energy of members and the whole structure is not participated directly. Therefore, several damage indices are developed, containing the…
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